Carpool Service

Accommodation, Carpool and Library Services (ACLS) carpool delivers a cost effective vehicle rental service for Victorian Government departments and agencies, including an online booking service and convenient monthly invoicing.

Book a car, bus or van for approved Victorian Government travel

Carpool is a service for all Victorian government departments and agencies. This is a fee for service offering.

Options available include:

  • vehicles for short- or medium-term hire for approved government travel
  • non-standard vehicle hires, including buses, vans, and other light commercial vehicles

To book a car you need to:

  • be a current Victorian Public Service employee
  • register and create your driver profile in our online car booking system

If you are a Department of Environment, Land, Water and Planning (DELWP) customer, your booking must have a name and the new 31 digit format charge code. You will not need to raise a Purchase order each time you need to book a vehicle.

A bulk order has been raised for the whole of DELWP and this has been supplied to ACLS Fleet. This will cover all DELWP bookings. All DELWP charges for ACLS Fleet hire will be charged to the one bulk order.

Car booking process
