Victorian Government Library Service

Supporting Victorian Government departments and agencies to deliver quality research and policy outcomes for the Victorian community.

What we do

We ensure that eligible Victorian Government clients and staff have easy access to the information resources needed to do the work for the government:

  • through the collections of licensed electronic resources
  • the Whole of Victorian Government library collection
  • a team of information professionals
  • research assistance and extensive information skills program
  • access to a global network of libraries and suppliers.

We have resources covering the following subject areas:

  • Law
  • Economics and Finance
  • Health and Human Services
  • Transport, Roads and Infrastructure
  • Governance and Risk
  • Public Administration and Business
  • Science and Technology
  • Management
  • Climate Action
  • Energy and Resources
  • Water, Environment and Agriculture

Access to information

Research support

Library resources


Information skills development

How to contact library services
