Our clients

ACLS and our partners in service delivery Jones Lange LaSalle (JLL) are committed to engaging with our clients and working collaboratively to achieve seamless, integrated and best-value shared services for the Victorian Government.

We deliver our services to the following Victorian Government departments and agencies:

  1. Court Services Victoria* (CSV)
  2. Department of Education (DE)
  3. Department of Energy, Environment and Climate Action (DEECA)
  4. Department of Families, Fairness and Housing (DFFH)
  5. Department of Government Services (DGS)
  6. Department of Jobs, Skills, Industry and Regions (DJSIR)
  7. Department of Justice and Community Safety (DJCS)
  8. Department of Health (DH)
  9. Department of Premier and Cabinet (DPC)
  10. Department of Transport and Planning (DTP)
  11. Department of Treasury and Finance (DTF)
  12. Environment Protection Authority (EPA)
  13. Essential Services Commission (ESC)
  14. Integrity Oversight Victoria (IOV)
  15. Labour Hire Authority (LHA)
  16. Local Government Inspectorate (LGI)
  17. Office of Public Prosecution (OPP)
  18. Office of the Ombudsman Victoria (OOV)
  19. Office of the Public Interest Monitor (OPIM)
  20. Office of the Victorian Information Commissioner(OVIC)
  21. Parks Vic*
  22. Safe Transport Victoria (STV)
  23. State Revenue Office (SRO)
  24. Suburban Rail Loop Authority(SRLA)
  25. Triple 000
  26. Victorian Auditor General’s Office* (VAGO)
  27. Victorian Electoral Commissioner (VEC)
  28. Victorian Gambling and Casino Control Commission (VGCCC)
  29. Victorian Infrastructure Delivery Authority (VIDA)
  30. Victoria Police* (VICPOL)
  31. Victorian Public Sector Commission (VPSC)

*Not eligible for Victorian Government Library Service.
