Growing Melbourne - implications and priorities for liveability

This year, Melbourne lost the title of the world’s most liveable city. Its population growth is creating a risk for existing infrastructure and housing stock. Melbourne's liveability score remains high but is it possible to maintain liveability while continuing to grow?

Growing Melbourne - implications and priorities for liveability report produced by JLL research explores the possibility of maintaining and future-proofing Melbourne to retain its liveability.

This report is looking at:

  • Melbourne liveability background
  • population growth and projections
  • construction boom in response to this population growth
  • long-term challenges Melbourne faces
  • mechanisms needed to manage growth.

The report identifies five key priorities for Melbourne to focus on over the next decade in the pursuit of liveability:

  1. creating a high urban amenity platform across Metropolitan Melbourne
  2. retaining awareness of existing successful precincts
  3. delivering employment to population growth in outer urban areas
  4. activating urban renewal precincts and setting them up to succeed
  5. planning ahead for regional decentralisation.

Read Growing Melbourne report

Melbourne’s appeal is its strongest brand asset. It is well-placed to capitalise on its strength in higher education, creative industries and culture, but, as population grows, infrastructure changes need to keep pace to allow Melbourne to keep its liveability status.
